Why you should take your child to visit the dentist from an early age
When should my child first see the dentist? That’s a common question among parents, at Liverpool Smile Studio we are off the opinion that the answer should be “the earlier, the better”.
Generally speaking, we invite parents to bring their children to our Liverpool dental practice from about one year old. By that time their first teeth should be coming through. Every child is different, of course, and some babies come into this world with teeth already in place. If you have any concerns about your child’s teeth even before they have reached 12 months, or you want to know how to look after a small baby’s teeth, contact Liverpool Smile Studio and a dentist will be happy to advise you.
One of the main causes of dental phobia is a negative experience during childhood. By bringing your child to the practice from a young age, you can help them to recognise the dentist as a friendly face whom they look forward to seeing and telling about their tooth brushing habits or visits from the tooth fairy as they start to lose their milk teeth.
At Liverpool Smile Studio your child’s dentist will ensure they feel safe and well-cared for at all times. They will provide information, for example about how to take care of the teeth, in an age-appropriate, fun, and engaging manner.
Sometimes it can help to bring a younger child along to a parent’s or older sibling’s appointment, so they can observe what happens and then have a go in the dentist’s chair themselves.
Visiting the dentist at a young age also helps to prevent the problem of tooth decay, which is still too prevalent in UK children. We offer both fissure sealants and fluoride varnish at our Liverpool clinic as a preventative measure, designed to avoid the need of suffering caused by dental decay.
The focus is firmly on preventative dentistry at our Liverpool clinic. Your child’s dentist can also spot the early signs of potential orthodontic problems, such as crowded or crooked teeth, or issues caused by thumb sucking. Early intervention can make treatment simpler.