Why choosing the right dentist is important for veneer procedures
When it comes to cosmetic dental procedures such as veneers in Liverpool there are technical factors that require adequate preparation before the procedure. Equally essential is the expertise of the dental practitioner in application. These two factors bear significant weight on the outcome of treatment, which is why patients interested in veneers in Liverpool should choose with careful consideration the practitioner that will perform the treatment.
The wrong choice in dental practitioner can thwart the desired result of veneers in Liverpool. As not every dental practitioner has the required experience or skills to produce aesthetically pleasing results, finding out about their cosmetic dentistry portfolio is a good idea.
When veneer treatments may be unsuccessful
- Neglecting to address existing dental issues before the veneer procedure
Before a veneer treatment can be carried out, a dental practitioner needs to ascertain the good oral health of the patient. Any pre-existing dental issue such as an infection or tooth decay needs to be treated first, as it may compromise the success of the procedure. Treating these conditions after applying veneers may present further complications.
- Receiving poor quality veneer products
Overall, veneers offer a relatively long-term lifespan. What will influence this longevity are the use of poor quality materials and the bad oral habits of patients. One bad habit in particular is bruxism or grinding one’s teeth. A dentist can suggest measures that will help a patient avoid grinding their teeth. At Liverpool Smile Studio we offer our patients porcelain veneers that are renowned for their aesthetic quality as well as functional quality.
- Patients may experience discomfort during the procedure
It is not usual for patients to feel discomfort during a veneer procedure, but it can happen especially if the practitioner is inexperienced or rushed through the procedure. We use a local anaesthetic for our veneer procedures and if necessary for really anxious patients, dental sedation can be arranged. There may be an initial tooth sensitivity after the procedure, but a dentist can advise on how to minimise or manage this.
- Outcome may differ from expectations
Very often patients have an exact idea of what they would like their smile to look like. This is almost always influenced by a particular famous personality’s smile. What patients don’t factor in is that the shape of their facial structure may differ from that of the famous person, which is why the final result may not look the same.
- Procedure preparation may result in excessive tooth mass loss
Some patients will require their teeth to be prepared before the veneers can be applied. Preparations can involve the dentist shaving a bit off the tooth’s layer. This process is irreversible and an inexperienced practitioner can shave off more of the tooth’s surface than is necessary.
- Miscommunication with the dental practitioner
The wrong choice in dentist can open up problems in miscommunication. The right dentist will listen to a patient’s needs and desired outcomes.
For a rewarding veneer treatment experience, choose Liverpool Smile Studios. We are happy to discuss with you the process involved, the products we use and successful outcomes we have offered our patients.