The many ways your dentist can make over your smile
There are numerous ways a dentist can make over your smile, creating results that are both aesthetically appealing and natural in appearance. Liverpool Smile Studio has an extensive cosmetic dental menu, comprising treatments large and small. We welcome women and men who are unhappy with their current smile to join us for a cosmetic consultation.
The Oral Health Foundation recently carried out a survey which showed that almost half of UK adults (48%) are unhappy with their current smile. The biggest complaint is tooth discolouration – which 64% said made them embarrassed to smile in public.
In terms of romantic relationships, the same survey found that an attractive smile was the second most important factor in a partner – after their personality. And while more than one million selfies are taken every day, 13% of women and 34% of men admitted retouching every photo of themselves before posting it.
At Liverpool Smile Studio we believe everyone deserves a beautiful smile of which they can be proud. Many people are so unhappy with their smile they think they are beyond help, but we urge you to think again. A consultation with a cosmetic dentist will soon change your mind, with many people surprised how short the journey to their perfect smile is in reality.
When you come to our Liverpool clinic for a cosmetic consultation, your dentist will find out what your ideal smile would look like. They will then perform a clinical examination, before talking you through all the ways we can help you reach your smile goals.
Below are some common smile concerns, and how your Liverpool dentist can help:
I hate the colour of my teeth
The perfect solution will depend on the cause and nature of the discolouration. Carried out by a dentist, teeth whitening can remove many common stains. Permanently discoloured teeth can be improved with veneers.
My teeth aren’t straight
There are a number of discreet orthodontic solutions available from Liverpool Smile Studio.
My teeth are too short/my gums are too long
Gum reshaping is a pain-free procedure in which your dentist removes excess gum tissue and better shapes your gums to frame your teeth.