Straightening, strengthening and helping your smile with your dental team and orthodontist Liverpool
Reasons to attend an appointment
When looking in the mirror or photos from the past and present, we do not want our patients to shy away from the images they may be unhappy with. You may have teeth that do not necessarily line up one after the other or a tooth that has a mind of its own when it comes to alignment. No matter what your thoughts are on your smile, if your smiling selfies provide an emotional response that isn’t one of joy, then it may be time to discuss your options with our dental team or orthodontist Liverpool.
In need of a specialist?
Specific treatments and procedures can often bring up a variety of specialists in the field, which may be a little daunting at first. It is important to understand that in the majority of tooth realignment cases, there is often little cause in finding a specialist in that field since our dental team will have you covered. Therefore, finding a specific orthodontist Liverpool may not be necessary. From braces to aligners to veneers, whichever realignment process you may need, our dedicated team can do it for you.
Choosing a realignment method
Whilst it is always the patient’s decision to proceed with a particular treatment, it is not as easy as choosing a method online and telling our dental team which one you want. As with everything, it is about working together to ensure that the process followed is suitable for your case. After all, the internet can provide us with a variety of solutions and sources to fulfil our every need, but discovering their suitability for you is where our dental team comes in.
When discussing the possibility of tooth realignment and before following one particular route, a consultation will take place to discover the suitability of your teeth. Our dental team will assess the extent of your misalignment, your overall oral health and any other factors that may be deemed necessary. Despite all the boxes that need to be ticked, the patient’s preferred choice will always be considered and play a huge part in the final decision. It may be that one treatment starts to be taken over by another after a considerable amount of success. After all, all patients must be happy with the process from start to finish for the process to be adhered to consistently.
Creating a plan, adjusting when needed and reaching your goals
As with all processes, creating a plan is often the baseline to success as it allows you to envision the process and results. However, whilst a plan is essential when it comes to tooth realignment, it will always be flexible, and should the process create physical or emotional discomfort, you must contact our dental team promptly.
We are here to work with you and support you throughout this process, whether it be a matter of reassurance or adjusting the brackets. Our dedicated team from the receptionist to the nurses to the orthodontist Liverpool will always be there as your support network.