Not just your dentist in Liverpool
Now that the smile is fast becoming everyone’s most important beauty feature, you need to start thinking of your dentist in Liverpool as more than just someone you go to for check-ups and remedial treatments such as fillings.
At Liverpool Smile Studio, of course, we believe that having strong, healthy teeth is the foundation for beauty, but they can be strong and healthy and still not look at all that great. And if your teeth don’t look fabulous, you won’t feel fabulous. You really won’t. This is because we have evolved to use our smiles as our number one non-verbal tool of communication. See all those people smiling at each other out there? They’re sending signals of warmth and friendliness that evolution has hard-wired us to respond to with equal warmth and generosity.
You probably know how a big grin from a stranger on the bus can light up your journey. Imagine if you could do that for others, and how useful that would be at work and when you are out clubbing. And the more you smile, the more serotonin you release, which is another good thing because serotonin is your body’s natural happy chemical.
So, if you are not using your smile to its full advantage, can’t imagine how good it feels to smile and have no idea of how a great smile can smooth your path through life, now is the time to find out. Come and see our dentist in Liverpool and ask what we can do to put the zing back into your smile.
We have a number of treatments that we can use separately or put together into a package called a smile makeover.
What’s a smile makeover?
A good smile needs to follow certain rules of balance and harmony. We use this knowledge and our skills as cosmetic dentists to work out what we need to do to your teeth to get them meet those rules. Are they too big? Too small? A bit crooked? Discoloured? Too gummy? Damaged in some way? Missing, even?
Once we’ve thoroughly examined you according to smile makeover principles, we can put together a treatment package to transform your smile with two or more treatments.