Help! My teeth are crooked, do I need braces?
If your teeth are crooked, crowded or gapped then you are probably on the lookout for a dental practice which offers treatment using braces Liverpool. Look no further! If this is the case for you then we at Liverpool Smile Studio can help! To begin with we are pleased to tell you that some of these problems could be treated without the need for braces. It is possible that one of our dentists could utilise treatments such as veneers or our smile makeovers to help you on the road to straighter teeth. Of course, some problems may be too severe to correct in this way. For more information about either of these options, please do contact us by phone, or pop in to see us.
It is important to note that deciding which form of treatment is most suitable to cater for your particular needs is something which should be done in consultation with a qualified dentist. A full examination of your mouth and teeth and discussion about relevant medical and/ or dental history could be required in order to help us provide you with the correct level of care. If your problems can be addressed with cosmetic treatment, your dentist will be able to advise you as to how to book in treatment with a cosmetic dentist.
Fixed braces
When you have attended a consultation with one of our dentists it is possible that they will advise that braces provide the best onward course to meet your dental needs. There are several different types of braces which could meet these needs, one of which is fixed braces. When we are thinking about fixed braces this is the more traditional form of braces which many people will imagine when they hear the term ‘fixed braces’. Sometimes referred to as train tracks, fixed braces Liverpool provide a method which uses metal brackets and metal wires.
The brackets are bonded to the teeth using an adhesive substance. When these are appropriately secure, a metal wire can be clicked into them and secured using elastic bands. To move the teeth from one position to another, the wire is progressively tightened creating steady movement towards the desired position.
ClearSmile clear braces
These clear braces Liverpool are a more modern take on a fixed brace. They operate in much the same way as the traditional fixed brace, but rather than using metal brackets and wires, the brackets are tooth coloured and the wires transparent. The result of this is the possibility of having (almost) invisible braces for a more natural appearance through the tooth straightening process.
Inman aligners
These are aligners which can be removed, and are created to address crowding and crookedness of the front teeth. This is a form of treatment which does not take long (usually 6 to 18 weeks) and can result in a straighter and healthier smile.
ClearSmile clear aligners
ClearSmile clear aligners are removable, and because they are created with transparent material these are very similar to the invisible braces. This series of aligners are worn one after the other, gradually causing the teeth to move from their original position of misalignment towards the intended final position. They are custom made to fit your unique requirements helping them to fit both comfortably and securely.
For more information about the treatments we offer, please do contact us at Liverpool Smile Studio. We look forward to hearing from you soon!