Braces in Liverpool: making the best choice
When searching for teeth straightening treatments, the choices can be bewildering. Because of the huge increase in demand for teeth straightening treatments, there has been a boom in alternative treatments and innovations.
Finding the right treatment for you is one of the most important factors when straightening your teeth. Some treatments are better at correcting certain types of problems and some are more practical for the user than others.
One thing is for sure: there’s never been a better time to think about straightening your teeth. Although these choices can seem complicated, you will more likely find a treatment that fits your needs perfectly.
Fixed braces in Liverpool
In Liverpool, braces come in a few different forms. There is the traditional type of brace that will spring to mind whenever someone mentions the word, and there are variations on traditional systems that can be made less conspicuous and faster-acting.
Many people will be familiar with these types of braces, as a lot of people require them at a younger age. More and more adult patients are choosing to go with fixed braces for more cosmetic adjustments.
One such treatment is Six Month Smiles. This treatment is ideal for adults who wish to have minor adjustments to their visible teeth. Because the treatment focuses on the visible front teeth, results can be achieved in just six months.
A big benefit of these braces in Liverpool is that they are made from tooth-coloured wires and clear brackets, making them almost unnoticeable.
Removable aligners
The practicality of removable aligners has allowed their popularity to grow in the UK.
Invisalign is a modern treatment that straightens the patient’s teeth using custom-moulded tooth trays. These trays are slightly different in shape in succession, gently re-positioning the teeth.
Invisalign treatment mostly takes place at home, with your treatment being planned carefully before the tooth trays are manufactured. You’ll just need to visit the practice every so often to check your progress.
Invisalign allows you to straighten your teeth whilst continuing to enjoy the foods you love and maintain your oral health. The treatment is also almost completely invisible due to the aligners being manufactured from crystal clear plastic.