Braces in Liverpool
Braces are a necessary treatment in order to correct or realign the teeth into a healthier and more pleasing position. While many people think that braces and correcting teeth alignment are for purely aesthetic purposes, this is a misconception. When teeth are not aligned properly they are actually detrimental to the health of the mouth, as poor tooth alignment can cause jaw problems and tooth erosion later on in life. This in turn can then exacerbate other dental issues.
Are there different types of braces?
Along with many dental treatments, there are many types of braces in Liverpool Smile Studio. We can provide you with a range of braces to choose from, and run you through the process involved and the benefits of each brace.
Regular braces
Braces in Liverpool are widely available, and one of the most common and well-known treatments for crooked teeth is to use metal wires to realign them. While this can be a more painful and uncomfortable treatment, it is known to be one of the most effective ways to realign teeth and can have extremely fast results. This method is also more visible, which can make some patients feel self-conscious about their treatment.
Are there alternatives?
Due to the demand for softer, and more aesthetically acceptable treatment, there are alternative brace styles available to you, not just the regular metal braces. Liverpool Smile Studio has several alternative options to choose from, which not only conceal the brace, but are also less painful than other methods. Depending on the severity of the misalignment, the correct treatment will be picked for you, and with your best interests in mind, we will be able to achieve the best possible outcome for your dental health. Do not hesitate to book a free consultation via our website.
Inman aligner
Another option of a similar style is the Inman aligner. This treatment is to correct the upper and lower front teeth only, for appearance factors, but also for health reasons, as a correct set of front teeth will provide health benefits for teeth and gums for years into the future. As the front teeth are the only visible teeth in a regular smile, this can be a fantastic option for someone simply looking to improve their appearance. So if you are looking for braces in Liverpool why delay? We are waiting to put all of our experience at your disposal.